Complaints and Suggestions

At Pine Vale Chiropractic I am constantly striving to improve what I do and aim to deliver the highest standard of treatment and care. I genuinely welcome any feedback you may have and am more than happy to speak with you if you feel any part of your experience has not lived up to your expectations.  If you have any suggestions, concerns or are not happy with anything please let me know.

How to complain

Most problems are best resolved when they arise.

However, if you wish to make a more formal complaint then you can either talk to me directly in person or on the phone, or if you prefer you can email or write to me. All my contact details can be found on the contact page. Please be as specific as possible about the complaint you wish to make, to enable me to be thorough and respond appropriately.

The action I will take

Normally, I will acknowledge your complaint within two working days and provide an explanation or arrange a meeting within ten working days. You may if you wish bring a friend or relative to any meeting that is arranged.

For straightforward complaints for which we have been able to speak in person/on the phone and resolve the matter, I will make a record of and follow this up in writing within seven days.

For other complaints it may be necessary at this point to seek further clarification on the complaint or investigate it, for instance looking back over records and so on.  If this is the case,  then if possible I will provide a written response within fifteen days.

Please understand if the clinic is closed due to illness or annual leave the above timescales may be delayed.

Complaining on behalf of someone else

We observe strict rules of confidentiality. If someone is complaining on your behalf we will require written authority from you so that he/she can act on your behalf.

I of course hope that I can resolve any matter you bring to my attention, however if the complaint remains unresolved, you may refer the matter to the profession's statutory regulator, the General Chiropractic Council, Park House, 186 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4BT. [email protected] 020 7713 5155

Ready to book?

Call us on
01202 084 391

Need to chat to me to first?

If you're unsure if chiropractic care is right for you or want to chat before booking, please feel free to give me a call. If I'm with a patient or it's after hours, I'll get back to you ASAP. In the meantime, if you haven't already, check out the FAQs or information above.

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